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We would like your input …

We did not set up the Hanes Hrbacek & Bartels, LLC blog site just to ramble on about legal jargon. Our goal is to provide Internet users access to information on legal topics that are relevant and beneficial to real world situations. That is why we value feedback not only from our clients, but also those of you who are just visiting the site. Please let us know which legal topics interest you. We will do our best to post articles on those issues.

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Remember that by visiting our site, reading the blog posts, or submitting an idea for a blog topic, you are not engaging this firm as your attorneys. The information and topics discussed on this site are for general purposes only. If you would like to discuss your particular legal issues, please do not hesitate to call our office to set up an appointment. At that time we will discuss with you the potential for entering into an attorney-client relationship.